Naples Land Yacht Harbor

Emails from the Website and Email Blast

I sent out the following to help residents receive emails sent from the website and Email Blast. I got a lot of questions so I will try to help answer them here.

How to make sure you get it!
Spam Filters

Spam Filters are getting tougher these days. Now when I try to send multiple pictures my e-mails are not getting through.

The best thing to do if you want to receive my around the park and Maree’s e-mail blast is to add “” and “” to your address book as a safe sender.

With most e-mail providers you can go to your JUNK or SPAM folder, find e-mail address you want to receive, right click on it then and it to your safe sender list.

I will continue to work on my end.

Thanks, Dale…

Believe it or not, spam filters are your friend. Unsolicited emails, commonly known as spam, are a huge problem. There are over 200 billion emails sent on a daily basis and 59% of those are spam!

We don’t want all those bad emails competing with our valuable newsletters and Email Blast. That said, spam filters are not perfect and often flag good emails.

An email spam filter is basically a program that uses an algorithm to determine if an email is spam. Some of these protocols focus on different aspects of the email such as:

Email header
Filters email headers that use false information.

Content filters
Looks for common words associated with spam.

Blacklisted addresses
Blocks all emails from known spammers.

User permissions
Email owners define specific rules to block emails they don’t like.

These are just a few of the ways that spam filters analyze our emails. The important thing for us is to do everything in our power to avoid these spam filters and end up where we belong—our residents inbox.

What you can do to help receive our emails.

Since Maree and I send out well over 400 Emails Spam Filters are going to think we are spam. Based on your email provider there is a good chance we will be blocked or wind up in the junk folder.

Add both of us to your address book:

  • Email Blast 
  • Website

When we are in your address book Spam Filters think we are safe sender and will not block us.

From the Website

I can do just a little more sending from the website

I use a service that breaks sending into smaller groups (send 40 Then 40 then 40 etc.)

I can run spam filter test to see what filters see. I have never received a 10 but I have dropped to 7.3 – so I’m constantly checking the websites score.

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Welcome NLYH Resident