Naples Land Yacht Harbor

You should begin to see the following signs posted in our Common Parking Areas to remind you of our parking rules.

Where Can I Get the Parking Permit

Marlene has them printed and setting on the table in the office (candy table). You can also print it from the Forms Tab on our website or download and print from the document below.

Using the Parking Permit

REMINDER: All guest must be signed it with the office!

Guest can park their car in the common area for the duration of their stay (two weeks).

Residents with Guest can park their car in the common area for the duration of their stay (two weeks).

Residents can park their car in the common area up to 48 hours while working on their home.

Note: The rules are being changed to state the two week period since it was just understood and not clearly stated.

[pdf-embedder url="" download="on"]

5 Responses

    1. Darlene thanks for your comment, simple answer is yes. We had a special rules meeting posted and open to the residents. We then had a rules committee meeting followed by a board meeting and workshop meeting where we discussed it. At a second meeting it was voted on and was passed with only one vote apposed due to the cost of the signs.

      I will also be adding the following sign to the front gates.

      No Parking

      1. From Jon Alberghini
        Thank you for addressing the parking and speeding problems. The signage was discussed at Board meetings and towing was part of the discussion. The fact is that NLYH residents ignore the speed limit, run through stop signs, park on lawns and grass areas, impede traffic traffic by parking in the street for extended periods, don’t register guests vehicles and then constantly complain to the Board about lack of enforcement of “the Rules” and “squeal” on what they consider to be violations and demand action. We bring on these issues and problems ourselves. The simple solution is residents stay within the rules, think before you act and stop the complaining… is good in here.

  1. Even a resident’s vehicle with a NLYH sticker requires a parking permit to park their vehicle overnight? Sometimes that just isn’t possible.

    1. Marlene has them printed out and on the table in the office. Stop in and grab a few, keep them in your house or car. You can also print them from the residents website, two on a sheet. It is a form on half a sheet of paper, very simple to fill out and place on your dashboard. It lest everyone know who is parked “OVER NIGHT” without me having to try and figure out if it is a guest, a resident parking there while they have a guest, a resident who is using it short term or someone abusing the parking area.

Welcome NLYH Resident