Naples Land Yacht Harbor

Board of Directors Communications Facebook

This gives each director the ability to communicate directly to the community. It will be a one-way communications vehicle unless the poster allows comments on their post.

Posting / Comments

Only the current Board of Directors can post in this group. They can choose to turn comments on or off for their post. They can keep them on if looking for input from our residents.

Although it will appear that you can post it will be sent to Admin for approval where it will be denied, and a message sent to you reminding you of our policy.

Group Membership

Only Admin and Moderators can approve membership to the group. You must be a current resident with your email address on file in our Office Database. We will maintain the group by adding new residents and removing departing residents with updates from the office.

Initial set up of residents – Once you are joined

You can invite your friends that you know are current residents of NLYH.

Admin will review the invited residents using our office records.  If valid they will be added if not, they will be denied.

Contact: Dale if you have any comments, questions or suggestions.

Welcome NLYH Resident