Naples Land Yacht Harbor


Rule 2.19  No objects/signs of any kind are permitted on the lot except those designating the member’s name and house number. Such signs may not interfere with mowing. No objects allowed to block driveways (cones, chains, bricks, reflectors, etc.)

The intent of the rule is to keep your yard free of obstruction so that it does not interfere with mowing.  Astatically it also keep the homes looking good.  Reflectors, lawn flags, lights, orange cones, bricks blocking driveways all make homes look unsightly.

We have a lot of reflectors going up to protect sprinklers, I understand why but it is against the rules!

You really have two choices:

  • Move the sprinkler to the middle of the yard away from the roads edge.
  • Change the ridged installation to a flexible installation (See Pictures Below).

Ridged Installation

Flexible Installation

When you run over a ridged sprinkler it will break. When you run over a flexible instalation the sprinkler head will sink, pull it up and your working again.  You can get the flexible pipe at Home Depot. They have various lengths, I find the 12 inch works the best.

Welcome NLYH Resident